Ten minutes away from downtown Charleston the urban landscape begins to fade from suburban to rural as you cross the Stono River on the new Paul Gelegotis bridge to Johns Island. Endless marsh and river vistas framed by majestic grand oaks greet you as you approach this jealously protected island second only in size to New York’s Long Island on the Atlantic coast.
While development pressures have been a reality on the island since the 1950’s the residents have resisted urbanization and are vigilant in their efforts to keep Johns Island “Rural Forever”. The 400 year old sprawling “Angel Oak” is just one of the island’s historic jewels. There are still many farms on Johns Island protected by a clearly established urban boundary line designed to prevent urban sprawl from destroying the island’s character.
The main roads are lined with massive oaks and crisscrossed by tidal creeks brimming with shrimp, crab, fish and oysters, making Johns Island an excellent choice for the home buyer who wants a rural life of peace and quiet just ten minutes from downtown.